Shift your Paradigm. Blow your mind.

Christianity No One Ever Taught You cover

The Christianity
No One Ever Taught you

A Battle Guide for Millennials, Gen Z & Beyond

Understanding Redemptive History as the War of the Gods is the foundation to understanding the Christianity of the Bible. Prepare to have your mind blown as JC examines several major tenets of Christianity through the paradigm-shifting worldview of the War of the Gods.


Major tenets explored:

  • Redemptive History
  • Gospel
  • Salvation
  • Christian Life
  • Enemy
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Armor of God

Christianity and the Bible for the Next Generation

Together, these full color pocket guides summarize The Christianity No One Ever Taught You making them a quick, go-to resource for readers who have made the War of the Gods paradigm shift.


Level Up your Armor of God examines each piece of your battle gear in the Armor of God arsenal and to equip you against 21st Century Spiritual Warfare.


Using iconic art on every page, War of the Gods is a Bible “storybook” for teens & adults assigns a US military term to every Bible story, demonstrating how each one is a war maneuver made in response to a maneuver made by the opponent.


 Under $10 each.

For Parents & Church Leaders

Naked at War cover

Naked at War

Why the Next Generation is Falling Away

and How You Can Equip Them to Survive

A guide for parents (and church leaders) that enables you to first understand the perspectives of Gen Z (including why they feel they must Christianity in order to eliminate the inequalities they believe perpetuate human suffering). Then, it gives you the tools to demonstrate how genuine Christianity—and the mission of the church—actually plays a role in the overthrow of Satan as the god of this world, and the end of evil, pain, and suffering.



Equipped with the armor and weapons needed to survive the battle, your teen or adult child can withstand the forces of darkness…and survive the war with their faith intact.